Graphic Design

Welcome to my graphic design portfolio! As a designer, the value of design goes beyond just aesthetics. Good design can solve complex problems, communicate ideas effectively, and evoke emotions in people. It is the cornerstone of successful branding, advertising, and communication campaigns. Through my artwork, I aim to create designs that look visually appealing and have a meaningful impact on the audience. I hope you enjoy browsing through a small sampling of my work.

L.A. Culture Posters

Innovative inspiration

As part of a collaboration with my Local LA-based office team, I created a series of posters that focused on innovators from the Tech Space and Local Los Angeles-based influencers. These graphic posters were created in homage to Los Angeles' native street art posters. The overall goal was to craft a Los Angeles art culture within our Los Angeles office.
Like street art posters, these were added to walls, allowing office team members to add their "tags" to the artwork, providing a more authentic, gritty experience.

Caffeine for Days

Local Nitro Brew Coffee Keg

An army travels on its stomach, and an office of tech workers survives on caffeine! As part of our Local office culture, we provide our team members with a weekly selection of locally produced Nitro Cold Brew Coffee in a cold Keg dispenser. Why make it look dull? We celebrated the team by creating a Coffee Corner with treatment that changed with a weekly cold brew. Like any small advertising campaign, we crafted custom marketing material displayed in the office and emailed distributed updates.

Ugly Sweater

A Celebration and Holiday Cheer

Every exceptional office has a holiday party; nothing that brings smiles to the team is quite like an ugly sweater party. Design can bring some fun to the simplest of events. Design can also provide themes, ideas, and style. The graphic design for this particular event was themed using a wool sweater pattern, giving it both a handmade video and a digital pixel vibe. Even though the event was for a winter holiday, I could hide a few easter eggs, more like a few reindeer pellets.


One Team, apart but still together

When the pandemic hit, it almost sounded like a dystopian movie; as office culture rapidly changed and my team was sent home, we decided we still needed to celebrate our culture. "Apart but still Together" was our theme, so I created a unique graphic for my San Diego team. So, I set out to create a shirt design that represented the Local Office Culture and still fit within our overall Brand. The Southern California vibes were strong, and the choice of fabric was exactly what our team expected. I delivered a soft tee, cool vibe graphics, and color options, and even ended up under budget, a total Win for the team.

Holiday Party

Invitation to celebrate with Team Mates

Design can influence our expectations. When looking to host a holiday party, our team once again reached out, and we collaborated to set a tone of modern invitation design for a bespoke dining experience. The classic color theme and simple linework paired nicely with the southern dining experience. A casual upscale affair for a team in San Diego, bringing our team together to celebrate our wins, culture, and one another. Design that brings people together is my favorite thing to craft

We make our own

Every Team Member casts a vote

When design engages, it becomes part of the culture. For this challenge, I was asked to design a few graphical concepts that our team would vote on, and the winning design would be produced and turned into a hoodie. The design needed to incorporate a few San Diego design elements, such as local baseball, beach, surf, animals, and Navy presence. Our team voted, and the winning hoodie was a huge success; in fact, a few other offices loved the idea so much that I was asked to create a San Fransisco version.

Local Culture

Every team is unique, and we should celebrate

As diverse as our cultures are, so are our local office's unique culture. Taking a win from my other Graphical wins, my team members in our Local San Fransisco office also wanted to create their own vibe. Unlike the San Deigo office, our San Fransisco office was much colder, so we pivoted from Hoodies to Jackets. This change created a unique pivot; I would need to create a design that would work on Jackets, so screen printing was out, and I chose an embroidery process. The new Design reflected the SF's office location, a California state park vibe, and colors that balanced SF's culture. Since the end process was embroidery, the graphic needed to be simple, bold, and clear. We then allowed the team to vote; with over 95% of the local workforce voting, the team selected a winning design.

Design for Everyone

Supporting my local elementary school

Design should engage and elevate everyone. As my local elementary school asked for help, I jumped in to help out. The School PTA events required that information for events were informative and exciting for an elementary audience. So, I incorporated the school mascot and themed each event to build excitement for parents and students. Every event was a hit, and the students loved the theme of the flyers, as well as all the supporting posters and graphic treatments. Nothing is better than when kids enjoy good design.

Design for Me

Taking time for myself

As a designer, taking time for myself is an essential part of my creative process. One of the ways I like to unwind and recharge is by making my own sketchbook. I find that creating my own sketchbook allows me to personalize the size, paper, and overall design to fit my specific needs and preferences. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to be able to use a tool that I made myself. Not only does this allow me to take a break from my usual design work, but it also encourages me to experiment with new materials and techniques. In the end, I find that taking the time to make my own sketchbook is a valuable investment in my creative practice that ultimately leads to more inspired and innovative designs.

Video Editing
Platform Support
Custom Branding
Graphic Design
Graphics, Swag, More
Just Some Fun