Creating Custom Logos

Logo design is a crucial aspect of any business or organization. Your logo is the face of your brand, and it's the first impression customers have of your business. A well-designed logo can communicate your brand's message and values and create a lasting impression on potential customers. It's essential to have a logo that is not only visually appealing but also memorable and unique. A great logo can help differentiate your brand from your competitors and create a strong identity for your business. Whether you're just starting or looking to rebrand, investing in professional logo design can be a valuable asset for your business.

Product Branding

A distinctive mark

When working within a more prominent Brand, sometimes a product needs a little extra distinction to help communicate its unique offerings. For the ElementOne Analytic Platform, I needed to craft a new logo that fits within the current brand but also modernize and create a new updated variation for a significant product enhancement.

Brand Building

Simple and strong

Logos can be more than a single color; they can also be informative and classic. The logo was Designed to bring a strong sense of the outdoors, a traditional national park vibe, with an express focus on electrification and adventure Overlanding. A few variant color-ways were created that allowed for various use cases, from the product to active ware, social media branding, and more.

Fun & Memorable

Not only logos but names as well

Some projects start with a simple concept, but when taking on a project as a designer, I have to take the larger view; this client needed a logo and a better business name. We boiled down the client's needs and defined the overall concept of flying drones for data collection. So Flight Fox Service was born. It became clear, easy to remember, clean, and included a memorable icon.


Building Confidence

When crafting a logo, the end user, client, and user confidence are crucial to creating a logo that builds a Confident Brand. This logo was created to instill trust in the client's legal practice. The Simple and Strong logo matches the color treatment, providing a solid, trustworthy, and confident image.

Uniting Farming + Technology

Creating a brand that enabled farming growth with Technology

One of my most exciting logos was FarmSolutions. When I joined this startup tech company, we had a vision but needed a Name, Brand, and Logo. What followed was creating a targeted business name that had the potential to grow as we developed several solutions that worked together to aid Farmers in growing crops. Each leaf was a branch of new technology that, when stacked, worked as a collective solution of insights, opportunities, and hardware to grow smarter, increase overall yields, and plan for the future.

Some Cobbler's Kids Have Shoes

The most challenging client is always myself

I change my identity like my shoes, but I stick with it once I find the right pair. My logo is based on the mirroring of lucky numbers, surrounded by a ring of vibrant colors representing diverse work I am fortunate to have created.

Video Editing
Platform Support
Custom Branding
Graphic Design
Graphics, Swag, More
Just Some Fun